We all have the power to live happier lives. It starts with realizing that that power resides in ourselves. Below are some tips to help manage stress, which is a large piece of creating a healthier and happier life for yourself:
- Try to have a positive attitude – even when you’re having a rough day, wearing a smile on your face has shown to be a mood improver
- Let go of control and accept that there are things in life that are out of your hands
- Turn your aggressive inclinations into assertiveness – express your thoughts and feelings instead of tuning them out
- Learn relaxation techniques – this looks different for everyone. Some find vinyasa yoga, meditation, or a moment of deep breathing helpful, while others prefer to punch out their stress with cardio boxing classes
- Prioritize regular exercise – the healthier your body is physically, the easier it is to fight stress and manage yourself emotionally
- Be aware of your diet and eat as healthy as you can
- Learn time management – the 5 minute rule can be very effective
- Set boundaries in your life and learn to say no
- Plan time for your interests, hobbies and relaxation
- Get enough sleep – adults need at least 7 hours every night
- Try to avoid using alcohol, drugs or compulsive behaviors to drown out stress
- Be social – spend time with people who you enjoy being around
- Seek professional help if needed
Author Kelsey Kelsey is Bay Area Wellness Center's Marketing Assistant. She comes from the advertising world with 3+ years of experience in research, strategy and media planning. Interested in collaborating with us? Shoot Kelsey an email at marketing1.bawc@gmail.com and she'll get back to you!